Livestreaming in MWC 2024

To be able to sense the atmosphere also from home, Masters World Cup will have live streaming from some of the events! Live streams are produced by Vuokatti Sport for three events and by the biggest newspaper / media company in Kainuu region, Kainuun Sanomat for one of the events.

The schedule for live streaming is below:

Saturday 10th of FEB, 18:00 OPENING CEREMONY. Live streaming starts 17:45.

Tuesday 13th of FEB, 13:00 SHORT DISTANCES (Classic) Men / Women 3-5 km.

Wednesday 14th of FEB, 12:00 RELAYS, 4 x 5 km. Live streaming starts 11:45.

Friday 16th of FEB, 18:00 CLOSING CEREMONY. Live streaming starts 17:45.